Custom Raised Relief Maps

Summit’s core business is designing and producing custom 3D raised-relief thermoformed maps.  Our team will work with you to create a stunning 3D custom map of pretty much any location, area or region, at any scale and vertical relief, within the constraints of our production equipment.  

Since 2008, Summit has worked with a variety of customers to produce custom 3D maps for many different applications, including park trail maps, wine/vineyard topographic maps, military installation/planning maps, private property/ranch maps, watershed management maps, seafloor bathymetric charts, and ski area maps. We can apply our proven skills to help you with your new raised-relief map requirement.

Although the initial design/tooling task for a new map is significant, the recurring map production cost is low.   Typically, the design-tooling task requires an investment of $5000 - $13000 for a new 3D map.  The cost is largely driven by the size and graphics complexity, and the construction of the thermoform mold. Once thermoform tooling and graphics design is complete, per-map production costs are normally in the range of $30 to $200.   And we can optionally mount and frame the maps. 

Summit’s production process allows maps with a 3D size of up to 50” x 35”. Popular sizes include: 20” x 13”, 30” x 20”, 40” x 28” and 50” x 35”. We can work with a wide range of scales within a given format. For example, using a 30” x 20” size format, the scale can be reduced to show an entire state, region or country. Or the scale can be increased to zoom into a particular property or small area of interest. If a size larger than 50” x 35” is needed, Summit can produce the map in separate panels that fit together for display.

Explore Custom Map Examples